Animation: U of L School of Public Health and Information Services
This upbeat animated video created with the good folks at the University of Louisville School of Public Health and Information Services describes the multitude of career opportunities in the dynamic field of public health and the multitude of academic paths at UofL for aspiring practitioners to achieve their goals. Videobred’s Clay Brady animated the piece with art support from Tevan Morton.
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We’re a team of creative problem solvers eager to collaborate.
Animation: U of L School of Public Health and Information Services
This upbeat animated video created with the good folks at the University of Louisville School of Public Health and Information Services describes the multitude of career opportunities in the dynamic field of public health and the multitude of academic paths at UofL for aspiring practitioners to achieve their goals. Videobred’s Clay Brady animated the piece with art support from Tevan Morton.
Want to Know More?
We’re a team of creative problem solvers eager to collaborate.